22X10 time flies, time drags

I'm really fascinated by alternative time formats. Last night I found out about Arvelie dates, and felt the need to adopt them for my own needs. The coolest thing about the Arvelie format, in my opinion, is that there isn't a defined year zero. It was designed with the purpose of recording "daily activity logs starting at year 0 when the tracking started." It's always relative to something different, making it a little more personalized. It also does not obey the classic 12 month system. Instead, there are 26 months (corresponding to the 26 letters of the alphabet,) each with 2 weeks consisting of 7 days. This leaves the 365th day without a month, and is treated as a special day of new years. Date strings are formatted as YYMDD. The current date as I write this is 2022-11-28, but the Arvelie date (relative to the year 2000) is 22X10.

=> Arvelie on the XXIIVV wiki

I added the Arvelie date to my homepage, along with the current decimal time for UTC-6. Decimal time is another time format that I was really into at one point. Instead of using 24 hour days, decimal time has 10 hours. Each hour is 100 minutes, each minute is 100 seconds, each second is 864 milliseconds. The design is very human.

=> I found out about it through this site.

Which is understandably labeled as "metric time," but is not actually metric time. According to wikipedia,

Metric time is the measure of time intervals using the metric system. The modern SI system defines the second as the base unit of time, and forms multiples and submultiples with metric prefixes such as kiloseconds and milliseconds. Other units of time – minute, hour, and day – are accepted for use with SI, but are not part of it. Metric time is a measure of time intervals, while decimal time is a means of recording time of day.

I think I like these alternative time formats so much because I don't have a very good sense of time. A single, standardized form doesn't really mean much to me, so I prefer to play around with different ways to quantify the 4th dimension.

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