7redsuns is a static site generator

7redsuns is the backend software that manages this wiki. It is written in javascript because I was younger and stupid when I started making it, and I don't wanna rewrite the whole thing in a better language.
Source files are a superset of gemtext, meaning the content they can display are quite limited when compared to something like html. This does not stop me, as I have indomitable chiropteran spirit.

source code

By default, a "Back" link will be added to the bottom of every page. This can be disabled by putting "NOBACK" in the first line of the file, like a shebang.

All .gmi files in the "public" directory will be indexed into the wiki. To disable indexing for certain files, add a line containing the filename to .indexignore in the root directory.

HTML documents rely on a "template.html" file in the root directory to be rendered. This needs to contain the string {CONTENTS} where the page contents will be rendered to.

Inline links to other pages within the site are supported. Pages using these links will show up under the "incoming" section at the bottom of the referenced page. Links can either be formatted as [​[pagename]] or {​{pagename}} with the latter being a full-line link.
The examples above contain zero-width spaces to prevent formatting.

spartan://'s input prompt line is supported

7redsuns supports running javascript during page render, much like a CGI script. This can be achieved by creating a preformatted text block with the string "js" as the alt text, much like how you would create a javascript codeblock in markdown.
The javascript environment contains several globals:

output = "The date is " + new Date().toISOString();

(The above example contains zero-width spaces to prevent formatting)

Last updated 24R00
Incoming: about, projects
